Queen City ATA Martial Arts celebrates crowning achievements
The 2020 Pandemic robbed society of a lot of things, including the ability to socialize and interact with the people in the world we love most. It also dampened the country's efforts to be active.
But 2021 has arrived and brought with it new opportunities for people to engage one another and participate in our most coveted pastimes. The NFL is back with a new-normal filled with virtual press conferences and PPE-filled stadiums. And the NBA has also found a way to exist outside the bubbled world it played in just a few months ago.
Now, a local martial arts company is following in the footsteps of the big leagues, helping to reconnect people in active spaces. Queen Citty ATA Martial Arts in Charlotte, North Carolina's Ballantyne area of of the city is back on track and recently completed belt tests for more than 30 of the school's participants. Owner Shankaran Jayakumaran, also a 3rd Degree Black Belt and Chief Instructor at the school has been excited to see classes in session again and expressed his delight in the progress his students have made as well as his desire to provide a family-friendly atmosphere. "I usually tell all of my students the family that kicks together sticks together," Jayakumaran said.
"Our classes are carefully crafted so the families can train together."
Jayakumaran takes pride in the many awards earned by his students. This year's list of accomplishments continued when Anish Parepalli and Anushna Parepalli from Concord High School graduated to 1st degree Black Belt during the school's performance testing in December. But despite all of the awards, including multiple state championships and notoriety the school has gained, it is the family oriented environment that Jayakumaran values most.
Queen City ATA Martial Arts is currently open and expanding as the nation begins to reopen. With a wealth of experienced instructors which includes his daughter Sampadha Shankaran, you should easily find someone who can work with you at your pace and skill level.