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Summer camps provide pathway for Charlotte gridiron hopeful's success

Over the summer many colleges and universities across the nation open up their football facilities to host summer camps, and for youth across the nation, they are more than eager to attend. For some, it is a chance to just get better as a football player, for some it is a chance to show what they have for coaches at the next level and for others it is just about the experience of being at a college or university.

My youngest, Nate, had the chance to attend three camps this summer and his experience was awesome. First was a day camp at UNC where time was spent working on fundamentals and some linemen competition. The second was a trip to the University of South Carolina for more fundamental work. The last was at Randolph Macon College in Ashland, Va. where the day included a little more in-depth conversation with the head coach, a tour of the school and camp.

“All three were unique in their own way” Nate Taylor said. “At South Carolina the entire camp was held at Williams Brice Stadium and just being on the field was enough”. However new O-Line Coach Greg Adkins says there is much more to the day. “It gives young men a chance to do something they could not do last summer.

We get a chance to see that enthusiasm in all our campers.” For Randolph Macon Head Coach Pedro Arruza, he said “this camp gives us a chance to get to know some kids better and see what they can offer us.” For a lot of players, Division lll gives them a shot at playing at the next level and players know that. “I felt more confident going against others at the Macon camp than both Carolina camps.”

Over all camps across the nation have been well attended since most were not offered last summer due to the pandemic. Many had to stop registration due to so many signing up. For those lucky to attend this summer, they realize how great the opportunity was. “Just being on a football field during the summer head been awesome and all of this will pay off come the fall” said Nate. As a dad, I can’t wait to see his growth.



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